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Choosing the Right Contact Lenses for Your Lifestyle

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A granddaughter covers the eyes of her grandfather, who wears soft contact lenses to maintain his active lifestyle.

Some individuals prefer vision correction that doesn’t include constantly wearing glasses. Contact lenses provide this liberating feeling. The key to contact lenses is finding a pair that aligns with your lifestyle.

For soft contact lens wearers: 

  • Individuals with an active lifestyle may prefer wearing daily disposable lenses. 
  • Those with a busy work schedule may prefer wearing extended-wear lenses. 
  • Individuals who wear contacts every day can prefer daily, bi-weekly, or monthly lenses.
  • Those who wear contacts occasionally may opt for daily disposable lenses. 

How Do Contact Lenses Work?

Contact lenses can correct various refractive errors. They correct vision by directly altering the way light enters the eye. Contact lenses bend light rays so that the rays focus correctly on the retina

Soft contact lenses are thin, flexible lenses made from soft plastic that allow oxygen to pass through to the cornea. These lenses conform to the shape of your eye, providing the wearer with long-lasting comfort and clear vision. Their flexibility and breathability make them a popular choice among contact lens wearers.

Since there are several different types of contacts to choose from, consult with your optometrist to learn which contact lens type will be most suitable for your ocular health, vision needs, and lifestyle. 

Finding Your Suitable Lens

Wearing lenses that aren’t compatible with your eyes can lead to discomfort, dryness, and even serious eye infections. Additionally, lenses that don’t match your vision requirements can cause blurry vision and eye strain.

A proper contact lens fitting helps avoid these issues. Your optometrist will measure the dimensions of your eye to confirm that your contact lenses align with the shape of your eyes, helping provide comfort and good visual clarity while minimizing the risk of complications. 

Importance of Contact Lens Fittings 

Regardless of how long you’ve been wearing contacts, individuals must have annual contact lens exams and fittings.

Your vision can change over time. An annual exam and fitting can confirm that your prescription is up-to-date. Wearing outdated contact lenses can lead to eye strain and potentially worsen your vision. Plus, the shape of your health and eyes can change over time due to factors such as age, health, or changes in prescriptions. 

Regular fittings help confirm your eyes are healthy enough to continue wearing contact lenses. 

A contact lens fitting is a necessary step in finalizing your contact lens prescription. During this visit, your optometrist will: 

  • Measure the curvature of your cornea
  • Measure the size of your pupil and iris
  • Evaluate the health of your tear film 
An optometrist explains the importance of proper contact lens wear and care to their patient during their annual contact lens fitting.

Different Lenses for Different Lifestyles

Your lifestyle and daily activities are factors that go into finding the most suitable lenses.

Daily Disposable Lenses

Individuals who like to alternate between glasses and contact lenses may find daily disposable lenses to be the most comfortable lens option.  

One of the primary advantages of these lenses is that each pair is used for only one day. This is particularly useful for those who are frequently exposed to elements like dust, debris, or sweat.

Daily disposable soft contact lenses are an excellent choice for individuals who wear contacts occasionally, such as during special events or weekends, because they’re designed for single-use wear. 

Daily disposable contact lenses are particularly beneficial for those who may not be accustomed to the regular maintenance required for other types of lenses. This can reduce the risk of eye infections as there’s no need for prolonged wear or reuse.

Replacement Schedule Contact Lenses

For individuals who prefer to wear contact lenses every day, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly lenses can provide a blend of comfort, convenience, and affordability.

These contacts with a planned replacement schedule offer a more affordable option without sacrificing comfort.

They provide durability and breathability, catering to the needs of daily wearers. The same pair of lenses can be used for a specified period of time.

With regular cleaning and proper care, these lenses can support clear vision and comfort throughout the day.

Find Contacts Lenses For You

Choosing the right contact lenses is all about finding the perfect balance between your vision needs and lifestyle. 

Connect with our team at Valley Eye & Vision Clinic to schedule an appointment for your contact lens fitting. Whether you prefer to wear contact lenses every day or only occasionally, we can help you find a lens option that suits your needs. 

Written by Dr. Harrison

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