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Category: Eye Health

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How Long Does Pink Eye Live on Surfaces? 

A patient pointing at their irritated, pink eye.

The viral and bacterial strains of pink eye are highly contagious. Their pathogens can survive outside the human body on surfaces, potentially infecting anyone who comes into contact with them.
Depending on the conditions:
Viral pink eye can linger on surfaces for anywhere between 8 hours and 7 days.
Bacterial pink eye typically survives on surfaces for 24–48 hours.

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10 Tips for Preventing Digital Eye Strain

A man leans back and rubs his strained eyes while working on his computer in a dimly lit room.

While it may not be possible to prevent all cases of digital eye strain, these 10 tips for preventing it may just help keep your eyes healthy:
Adjust screen brightness and contrast
Implement the 20-20-20 rule
Set reminders
Adopt healthy habits
Use blue light filters
Ensure proper screen positioning
Make use of proper ergonomics
Stay hydrated
Prioritize sleep
Maintain a healthy diet

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